An example... I am lousy at remembering to make lunch. I just don't get hungry at that time. Brianna on the other hand has food constantly on her mind. So one late afternoon I spied Brianna walking into the kitchen and grabbing a spoon out of the drawer. She then opened up the freezer got the ice cream out. She ate it for about five minutes then put it back and threw her spoon in the sink. I can't even get Marshall to complete all those steps. He's great at the first two but lousy at the last two. So I made my hypothesis (psst Julie, that means an educated guess) if I neglect my children they will, out of necessity, learn to be more self sufficient.
So to continue my experiment on child raising I forgot about lunch on another occassion and was able to document another account. I remained a silent observer while Brianna came in to the kitchen, pulled a loaf of bread off of the counter, retrieved the toaster from the cabinet, and proceeded to put the bread in the toaster, after which she very happily yelled TOAST at the top of her lungs.
Eventually I may publish my findings, but as for know I will just leave you with the gist of my research.
Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day..... ...starve your child and they'll learn to make toast, or eat ice cream, or something along those lines.
You have me in stiches over here. (Julie, that means I am laughing hysterically)lol.
You are too funny and you should write book.
I agree with Cindy whom I have never met. This is good stuff. If you were published you could go on the road and give humorous insights to women who need to laugh. I would be "like" a vacation and then the score would be about equal.
By the way...from what I can tell, you are a fabulous wife and mommy.
That is funny, seriously, I don't know how you come up with this stuff but I am dying over here laughing so hard. ;-)
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