Each person answers questions about their sweethearts.
At the end of the post, the person then tags 6 people and posts their names; then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know they have been tagged.

What is your husbands name? Marshall Steven Reynolds
How long have you guys been married? 5 years 3 months
How long did you date? We dated for about a year before we were engaged and then married 3-4 months later.
How old is he? 34 a whopping 8 years older than me. When we lived in our last house the young boys in our neighborhood thought I was his daughter. That is a card I play rather often.
Who is taller? He is but only by about A WHOLE FOOT. I never notice this until I see us walking together in a mirror, we are definately an odd couple.
Who can sing best? Maybe it should be asked who sings worse. And that is my asnwer
Who is smarter? I have a better memory, but Marshall is very good an analysis, and that is why he is an engineer.
Who does laundry? I do always, but Marshall bought me a smokin' red hot washer and dryer set so I don't complain.
Who pays the bills? I do
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do,and always have.
Who mows the lawn? In our entire married life we have lived in eight different places and only once had a yard to mow and I did the mowing, but now that we have an acre and a half Marshall wants to do the mowing but only if he can get a mini-tractor to do it.
Who cooks dinner? I do, but Marshall does have a few dishes that he will whip up if he needs to.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? When we argue he always tells me "You can never admit you're wrong". To which I reply DITTO. We're working on it.
Who kissed who first? Marshall kissed me first, he even asked my permission.
Who wears the pants? He wears the pants, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Thanks Koreen for the Tag
I tag Julie, Cindy, Monica, Nanette, Amanda, and Katherine