Marshall had the day off and went up to St. Anthony to help on the farm so the kids and I headed to Grandma Katherine's house to make frilly things. Ryan and Timmy (Julie's son) were great they played outside the whole time so we could get our craft on. It was fun to visit with my mom and sister and at the same time make my little girl uber girly things. We made Brianna and Natalie (Julie's baby girl, 10 days older than Brianna) matching tutus and hair bows, and I was this close to making them matching bracelets but I left the beads at home (sorry Nat). I thought the two girls would hate wearing such big itchy tutus but they actually loved it. Probabaly because Brianna had her's in her mouth most of the time.
Natalie was cuter in most of the pictures but come on Brianna's my princess, I gotta cater to her (sorry again Nat, but heck you're still stinkin' cute in this one too). Brianna kinda looks like Marshall in a tutu (I oughta see if Marshall looks this good with one on).
O.k. This post makes me homesick one for those cute little babies and two for the opportunity to spend crafting time with my Sisters.
I miss you guys terribly.
Love the tutu!!! What cute pics! Thanks for updating it's always good to see what you guys are up to and how your kids are growing. I'm glad there is a way to keep up since I rarely see you guys.
So so so stinkin cute. I'm with Cindy that makes me homesick. I want to craft with my sisters or you guys. I made braclets and hair bows this week also. It saves a fortune and they are so fun to do. The tutus are the cutest I've ever seen. Your little girl is getting so big. She is darling!
She is the cutest girl! Rob and I miss you guys! We made it to Alaska last Sunday. We have our internet, so we have to keep in touch! I hope that everything is going well, give the kiddos hugs from us!
Oh they are the cutest little babies ever! Love the tutus! I wish I had a reason to make girly frilly things! I'll just have to make them for myself I guess! lol
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