I have been counting down the days until we could get Ryan a dirtbike since he was born. This summer the time finally came. We jumped the gun a little and bought him his bike before he knew how to ride a bicycle without training wheels and he seemed a little short on his dirtbike, with his feet not quite able to touch the ground. Well, to my surprise he mastered his bicycle in a few short days and a week later was riding his dirtbike with no help at all. He has been riding for a couple weeks now so I decided we should take him up to a little riding hill not far from where we live. He did awesome! He did so good that I talked him into going down a hill that ended up being a little too much for him and he crashed at the bottom. After his crash down the hill he wasn't riding so well and seemed to lose a lot of confidence. Later I found that the real reason he wasn't riding well. He bent his handle bars when he crashed down the hill. Ooops! We still had a lot of fun and I am proud of Ryan for being so tough.
5 years ago