Monday, June 9, 2008

Splish Splash...

Last night Ryan and his sister got ready for bed together by sharing a bath. Ryan decided he needed a lot of bubbles so he dumped whatever he could get his hands on into the tub (including my conditioner). Bathtime is Brianna's favorite activity- she absolutely loves it, she could stay in there all day- but I get too nervous to let her go without a diaper for too long.
Ryan thought it was neat to have a friend in the tub. They both had bubble-do's
Just Relaxin'.
Brianna was content as could be after her relaxing bubble-bath, I feel like bathing her everynight if she gets this content.


Julie said...

what a cutie. I'm impressed with the bath pictures it looks like she is just sitting there without any help. The picture with the robe looks like Brianna is a mini Shawna.

Brittney said...

Hey Shawna! I found your blog through Jana's. How are you doing? It looks like you guys had another one! Congrats!
Brittney Brog

Jana said...

Those are cute bath pics!! My kids would have a blast if I'd let them have that many bubbles... looks like fun!

Leslie and Jaron said...

Hey Shawna! I found your blog through Binghams! congrats on the new baby girl. She's super cute!! Hope y'all are doing good! take care! Leslie and Jaron