Sunday, June 8, 2008

Dad - a sons first hero, a daughters first love

To one of the Greatest Dads there ever was Happy Father's Day from Ryan and Brianna

My finger maybe small, but I can still wrap my daddy around it!

By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right - he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong!


Cindy said...

That is adorable!! You are so talented and your family is sooo adorable. If I didn't have a wonderful family I would be jealous. O.K. maybe a little.

Jana said...

Your blog is so dang cute!!! I love all the pictures, the one with Brianna in the truck... so cute! did Julie talk you into doing a blog? I'm so glad! I'll add ya to my list:)

Anonymous said...

You have the cutest family! I love all the adorable pictures. We sure had fun out at your house the other day. Thanks for letting Ashlynn have the privledge of sitting in that awesome swing.